unleashing the power of supply chains: modelling and simulating complex social-ecological systems for high-leverage policies

We are currently facing a wide range of sustainability challenges that could lead to a polycrisis: a single macro-crisis of interrelated, uncontrollable disruptions to the Earth’s vital social and ecological systems. Against this background, I strive to integrate the fields of engineering, management and policy to untangle the dynamics of supply chains, which I see as critical complex social-ecological systems. While supply chains play a critical role in meeting basic needs such as food, energy, and shelter, they face increasing vulnerabilities that can pose significant risks to the environment, society, and non-human animals. Amidst this challenging landscape, my efforts are driven by the question how can we design and manage complex supply chains to effectively address interconnected sustainability challenges on a global scale?

Emphasizing a use-inspired approach to research, I actively collaborate with various stakeholders, including industry partners, communities, government entities, and third-sector organizations. Together, we focus on the environmental and social impacts inherent in supply chains, striving to find innovative solutions. To address these complex challenges, I employ a diverse set of research methodologies drawn from operations research, system dynamics, applied social sciences, and complexity sciences. My particular interest lies in studying the profound effects of technological transitions on food, energy, and humanitarian supply chains.

My academic background includes a Ph.D. in Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), as well as a Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). During my Ph.D., I also had the opportunity to conduct research at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. Prior to this, I completed my M.Sc. in Operations Research and a B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering at UFSCar. In addition to my academic pursuits, I have founded two award-winning technology startups in Brazil and a sustainable innovation consultancy in Denmark, while pursuing my Ph.D. These ventures have provided me with invaluable opportunities to translate cutting-edge research into practical applications.


sustainability; complex systems; system dynamics; supply chain management; operations research; food supply chains; humanitarian supply chains; ecological economics; systems engineering.

climatestripes Credits: Climate Stripes, Ed Hawkins, University of Reading

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